Members Only Event- Prepare to Thrive: What's Working & What's Missing? A Collaborative Conversation

When:  Nov 17, 2022 from 09:00 to 10:00 (PT)

A Legacy Corps Collaborative Conversation

Navigating the second half of life has challenges, but it's rich with opportunity as well. Learn how you can take action to thrive as you age. It's easier than you think. Margit Novack, Legacy Corps leader and author of "Squint: Re-visioning the Second Half of Life," will share tips to spark breakout group conversations. 

Bring YOUR ideas, resources & success stories. 

Target Audience: All members interested in thriving for themselves and older adults in their lives. Legacy Corps members.

Presenters: Betsy Werley, Margit Novack

ASA Priority Area: Health & Well-Being