Is Purpose Over-Rated? What Does Purpose Even Mean in Later Life?

When:  Sep 28, 2022 from 09:00 to 10:00 (PT)

A Legacy Corps Collaborative Conversation

Experts say purpose keeps us healthy and helps us live longer. Well-meaning friends ask retirees, "what do you do with all of your free time?" Whether you've found a new, post-career purpose, you're searching for it, or you think purpose is just a buzzword, you'll leave with fresh perspectives. This Legacy Corps Collaborative Conversation kicks off with reflections from Helen Dennis, an expert on aging and the new retirement and 2022 ASA President's Award honoree, and Sandra Timmermann, a corporate gerontologist active in US and global organizations and the recipient of the 2019 ASA Award. Breakout groups will give us time to reconnect with friends and share ideas and resources.

Target Audience: 
Members thinking about purpose for themselves and for older family members and friends. Legacy Corps members.

Presenters: Helen Dennis, Sandra Timmermann, Betsy Werley 

ASA Priority Area: Health & Well-Being